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At The Bridge Waiting On Us
Yorkie Friends Rescue believes that all Yorkshire Terriers and Yorkie mixes deserve loving and caring homes and the medical care necessary to ensure the best possible quality of life, regardless of their age or condition; and the members will rescue Yorkies and Yorkie mixes in need, then strive to work together in a spirit of co-operation and mutual respect to achieve that goal for the Yorkies in our care; and through our endeavors we shall seek to educate the public about the cruelty to animals that exists in our country, and how they can help to end it.
To read about the
perils that exist for
dogs and other
animals in our
country, and how you
can help to save the
animals from these
dangers, click on any
of the links displayed
down the right
margin of our web
Yorkie Friends
Rescue is not
affiliated with any of
the organizations
permission when
permission when
necessary, only to
further the education
of the public.of the
Toxic Foods These foods can be deadly to dogs. * Onions or onion powder *Chocolate * Coffee * Tea * Alcoholic beverages * Macadamia nuts * Hops (Used in home beer brewing) *Grapes and raisins * Tomato foliage (leaves & stems) *Green parts of potato (green peeling, sprouts, foliage) *Rhubarb leaves * Avocados * Pits & seeds from fruits (plum, apricot, peach, apple, cherry) * Bitter Almonds * Moldy or spoiled foods
Puppy Rescue & Adoption: Adopt a Homeless Puppy in your area...
SPAY/USA, a program of The Pet Savers Foundation, is a nationwide network and referral service for affordable spay/neuter services.
Our mission is to reduce the number of unwanted cats and dogs and to stop their suffering. Anyone who needs assistance finding affordable spay/neuter services can benefit from calling SPAY/USA!
The College of Veterinary Medicine is a vital part of Mississippi State University and it serves the state, region, and nation through teaching, research, clinical service and public service. We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and we invite your comments to the Webteam.
In loving memory of our little friends waiting on us at the Rainbow Bridge.
Web Site Designed by Tim Harvey. Organization's birth date. March 30 2005
[ Successful Adoptions ]
To Read About Some More Of Our Successful Yorkie Friends Rescue Adoptions. Click Here
Since Yorkie Friends Rescue Corporation began on March 30, 2005,
we have successfully adopted to forever homes,
455 dogs
The mission of the Deaf Dog Education Action Fund is to provide education and funding for the purpose of improving and/or saving the lives of deaf dogs. We are a non-profit organization founded to speak on behalf of and assist in the betterment of life for deaf dogs everywhere.
All dogs adopted from Yorkie Friends Rescue are spayed/neutered, updated on vacinations, receive a heartworm test and a fecal test, a thorough vet exam, and are treated for any infections or conditions before adoption.
| is presented to you as a free pet care resource by and
Pet Dentistry: Dogs and Cats Need Dental Care, Too
The adoption donation required for each dog helps cover the vet
costs for all of the dogs. So many dogs are sick or require a lot of
vet care to get them adoptable. Many others are too old and feeble
to be adopted and must stay in one of our foster homes for the
remainder of their lives. The adoption donations of the younger
healthier dogs helps pay a portion of those bills. Even those
adoption donations do not cover all of the vet bills we have to pay,
so we also have to rely on public donations to pay for excess vet
bills. We are 501c-3, so all donations are tax deductible.
Adoption donations are not tax deductible.
Click Here to see More Available Dogs

Our members and the people who visit our website often share
beautiful stories and poems about rescue, rescue dogs, and beloved
pets with us. We like to make some of the most touching and beautiful
ones available for everyone to enjoy. Click on the links in this section
to read some of the stories and poems about the sweet dogs and the
cause we serve.
See the educational links in the right margin of this page for information on a variety of topics including, the perils of puppymills, animal cruelty research and issues, veterinary and first aid information, pet behavior, and other topics.
Do you search the web? If so, you could be raising $0.02 for YorieFriendsRescue,
every time you search! is a search engine powered by, the internet's first online shopping mall where a portion of each
purchase is donated to your favorite cause.
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Right now we have NO money, and desperately need donations for the regular care and intermittent
critical care of 3 sweet little Permanent Fosters, all of whom have special needs issues and for whom
we are responsible for the remainder of their lives!! While they all have serious issues which require
regular medications and prescription diets, as well as their regular and intermittent vet sick care, they
all still have a great quality of life. We are committed to giving them a good life for as long as their
problems can be successfully managed, but we cannot do it without donations from caring people!!!
Please read about them and find it in your heart to help us enable them to continue that life quality!! We
must maintain funds on hand to meet any emergency issues that will certainly arise with senior/special
needs dogs.
1. Sugar is the sweetest girl EVER!! She is 16 yrs/6.5 lbs and came to YFR in 2014.
In spite of multiple benign hepatic and splenic masses, gallbladder debris, and
incontinence, her foster mom says she is an amazing, happy little girl!!!She takes 2x
daily Tramadol to relieve discomfort and Prion for incontinence. She recently had an
ulcer in her eye, which required $600 to cure!!! Thankfully she has a wonderful foster
2. Bella is a beautiful 8 lb/10 yr old girl who was surrendered to YFR in 2016 due to
IBS and an allergic reaction to her vaccinations. We placed her on an RX food for IBS,
but in Apr 2017 she was diagnosed with hepatoportal microvascular dysplasia. Her RX
food was changed to take care of both issues. She is blessed with an amazing foster
3. Rhett: At barely 2 yrs/4.5lbs he came to YFR from another rescue in Jan 2015 after
being chained outside for more than a year in his 3rd home! Terrified of men, storms, all
noises, sudden movements, and his shadow, he didn’t bark for more than a year! He had
juvenile cataracts and had lost site in 1 eye. Soon after he was hospitalized with 2 critical
rounds of pancreatitis, which proved to be chronic and required lifetime RX food. With
guidance from a behaviorist his foster mom has worked diligently with on his fears and he
is finally a much more secure little man and will even let men pet him!!! ...and weights his
normal 8.5 lbs!!
